Ceremonial Chocolate – “Soul Retrieval”


Deep Awakening | Sacred Experience | Reality Transforming

Each Ceremonial Chocolate contains 2.5 Grams of our SoulCybin Proprietary Blend* (Psilocybe cubensis), providing a powerful ceremonial journey.

Our Ceremonial Chocolates are only available four times a year, at each equinox and solstice of the year. Our chocolate launches are announced via our newsletter and on our website. Stay tuned!

*Our SoulCybin Proprietary Blend is an exclusive strain that we are constantly perfecting.

SKU: 67 Category:

Ceremonial Chocolate—”Soul “Retrieval” Dearborn

To support you seeing the value of having a Ceremonial experience with these chocolates, we’ve written an entire separate article on this topic here. Buy Ceremonial Chocolate

(The link will open it in a new window so you can continue to learn more about the chocolates themselves below.)

Why We’ve Created Our Ceremonial Chocolates—”Soul” Retrieval

Our highest intention for creating these ceremonial chocolates is to support you in your process of emotional healing and spiritual awakening on the deepest level possible.

We are all going through a profound transformation.

On a collective and personal level, we are all being asked NOT FORCED…

To look at what we are holding inside of us…

To feel what we’ve disconnected ourselves from…

And to finally UNRAVEL the knots of emotional blockage and disconnection from our hearts that we ALL hold within at some level…

Little do we know…

The pains and traumas, the childhood wounds, and unprocessed emotional baggage that we ALL carry…

THIS is the time that we are in…

To HEAL this…

And above all, whether we use these ceremonial chocolates to help accelerate or make the journey easier

We are ALL being asked to HEAL the wounds that we’ve ignored, or been blind to, for long enough…


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